Liberty Voice is a compilation of several Liberty Lovers in Central Kentucky. All contributors are from various backgrounds and lifestyles but all are focused on returning their country back to the Constitution and the original beliefs of Our Founding Fathers. We simply want our Liberties as Americans returned to us and our families. We believe that smaller government is the answer to prosperity both as an individual and as a country. We believe in the rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. But we know that we are the only ones responsible for attaining these, not the government.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DHS & TSA - Look Behind The Curtain

(note: I so wish I could claim authorship of this but I can't, this was penned by Liberty4Ever some time ago, and it's too great not to share.)

Much of what is done under the guise of national security does not make any sense to most Americans. In order to understand, we need to look behind the curtain. Like so many things lately, DHS and TSA appear to be one thing, but they are something completely different.

If we look at the TSA detaining an eight year old boy because his name is on the No Fly list, or we look at a woman forced to drink her own expressed breast milk to prove it isn't toxic or explosive, or we look at quilt artists forced to deface their art in order to keep their promise to be at an event, or we wonder at a long line of adults taking their shoes off and walking through airport security in stocking feet, or we look at Steve Bierfeldt being detained and harassed and cussed at and threatened because he was transporting some of the Campaign for Liberty's money through an airport, or we look at septuagenarian women detained as drug trafficking suspects, then it's difficult to see any reasonable explanation for the government's behavior.

Our confusion is caused by the context. In the context of providing security, these actions make no sense at all. Whenever the pretense doesn't fit the observable facts, we should look at the events and infer a context under which the government's actions do make sense.

The primary goal of the Department of Homeland Security is not homeland security, and the primary goal of the Transportation Security Administration is not transportation security. Most of the people who work in those bureaucracies probably believe those are their jobs, so they must hire people with a high threshold for logical fallacy and institutionalized bureaucratic stupidity.

The primary purpose of the DHS and TSA and their reason for being is to intimidate people and acclimate them to the idea that they have no individual rights and they must obey the government no matter how ridiculous the government demands may be.

If Simon says, "Put your hands on your head!", then you put your hands on your head.

If Simon says, "Spread your feet apart!", then you spread your feet apart.

If Simon says, "Put your hands behind your back!", then you put your hands behind your back.

If Simon says, "Get on the boxcar!", then you get on the boxcar.

If Simon says, "Get off the boxcar!", then you get off the boxcar.

If Simon says, "Dig a ditch!", then you dig a ditch.

If Simon says, "Form a line next to this ditch!", then you form a line next to the ditch.

Got it?

It all makes sense once you see the real purpose behind the publicly stated purpose.

Why else would there be signs at airport security areas informing us that it's a federal crime to make a joke about the airport security procedures? If we look behind the curtain and laugh at the Great and Powerful Oz, then he loses all of his power.


It's all about the money

We all know this, inherently. What most of us fail to understand is that it is the function of money, not the accumulation, that has us captured in a system that works against us.

Here's a really intense fifteen minute video that will explain some of this. This is a talk given to a group of Russian bankers, who understand their jobs, but not so much the system they are a part of. Kind of like most Americans.

This is a bit much to absorb to the uninitiated, but if you will stick with me and learn, you can learn the root of the debt problem, and how deep and wide this hole truly is. We are at a point where we will be forced to stop digging this hole, and we all need to understand this better and stand together to form a wall of resistance. All the talk about freedom in the world will not help should we fail to do this.

I will post more and more about the currency issue, and if you will stick with me you can learn rather quickly. The reason this "recession" is so terrible is that it is a currency crisis, and how we come out on the other side of it will make all the difference in the world, and in history.

Please join me on an educational journey.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Voice of Liberty

Liberty is the concept of ideological and political philosophy that identifies the condition to which an individual has the right to behave according to one's own personal responsibility and free will.